Located about an hour from downtown Toky
A very confusing train ride only cost $5
From the busy street you can see an amaz
Time Tunnel is a small four-story buildi
Squeezed in between a Jag dealer and an
Bicycle commuting as transportation rema
Unfortunately, there are still places in
Presumably, the owners of Time Tunnel ha
Inside, a huge collection of clean and o
Very few Italian bikes were mixed in bet
The Tokyo streetbike scene isn't what it
DFA never waxes on about any of the old
The proprietors of Time Tunnel spoke no
The shop was as cold and silent as an ab
A 1968 Yamaha DT-1 straight out of a tim
The shop area is about the size of studi
Prices were fairly steep according to ou
A BSA A65, complete with cafe bars and f
Art Imitates Life: The Kawi Mach III 500