KTM's Collapse: A Tale of Mismanagement or Manipulation?
One of the most perplexing aspects of KTM's collapse is how such a failure could occur within a professional organization led by a board of directors well-versed in their fiduciary duties to stockholders and employees alike. Some suggest this was done intentionally to prompt the Austrian government to provide KTM's parent company, PIERER Mobility AG, with an enormous bailout to save the company from ruin. Others dismiss that notion as preposterous, arguing instead that KTM's board was simply asleep at the wheel. Who knows?

Here is a hard-to-fathom example of the kind of events that unfolded at KTM in the final months of 2024: In September 2024, the company purchased Vöcklabrucker Metallgießerei, a foundry and parts manufacturer whose biggest—if not only—client was KTM. Then, in December 2024, Vöcklabrucker Metallgießerei was abruptly shut down, over 100 workers were fired, and the facility was seemingly shuttered forever.

All of this happened in just four months.

Here is a news report translated into English.

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